Studio Services

Give yourself room to breathe.

Streamlining operations to give studio owners more time to inspire and innovate in the world of arts education.

Social Media Management

Who is this for?

  • Studio owners looking to establish a strong online presence, engage with customers, and grow their brand.

  • Visual artists, dancers, and dance related brands who want to showcase their work, connect with their audience, and promote their artistic endeavors.

  • Building a consistent social media presence

  • Engaging with students and parents

  • Promoting events and managing communication

  • Connecting with clients and sharing insights

  • Promoting offerings and managing feedback

  • Fostering community engagement

We help by:

Template Based Social Media

Who is this for?

  • Dance Studio Owners who want to streamline their social media efforts and maintain a consistent online presence with minimal time investment.

  • Affordable and efficient solution for small dance studio owners looking to improve their social media marketing.

  • Craft branded social media templates tailored to the dance studio's style and messaging.

  • Plan and schedule posts in advance, ensuring a regular online presence.

  • Design eye-catching visuals to accompany posts and capture the audience's attention.

  • Monitor social media peak posting times to help achieve the maximum impact

What we cover?

Virtual Assisting

Who is this for?

  • Dance Studio Owners who want to free up time for creative pursuits by delegating administrative tasks and management responsibilities.

  • Handle emails, appointments, and routine inquiries, ensuring smooth interactions with students, parents, and staff

  • Perform data entry, file organization, and document management to keep operations running smoothly

  • Manage financial matters, from invoicing and billing to expense tracking and reporting

  • Plan and manage studio events, workshops, and recitals including creating promotional assets

  • Assist with marketing strategies, online campaigns, and collaborations to attract and retain students

  • Help studio owners manage schedules, set goals, and track progress towards their creative vision

  • Oversee accounts and communications in Dance Studio Pro, JackRabbit, MindBody, or Studio Director

What we cover?